Definitions concerning filters

Definition of a filter

Let E be a set.

Traditional definition of a filter on E: A collection \mathcal F of subsets of E is a filter on E iff:

  • \mathcal F is non-empty (equivalently in context: E \in \mathcal F);
  • \emptyset \notin \mathcal F;
  • \forall A \in \mathcal F, \forall B \subseteq E, (B \supseteq A \implies B \in \mathcal F);
  • \forall A, B \in \mathcal F, A \cap B \in \mathcal F.

It follows from the definition that there can be no filters on the empty set.

If we waive the second rule and allow \emptyset among elements of a filter, we obtain a hyperfilter on E. The only hyperfilter on E that is not a filter is \mathcal P(E), since if \emptyset is an element, all supersets of \emptyset must also belong.

Alternative equivalent definition

A collection \mathcal F of subsets of E is a filter on E iff \mathcal F is non-empty; and \emptyset \notin \mathcal F; and \forall A, B \subseteq E, ((A, B) \in \mathcal F^2 \iff A \cap B \in \mathcal F).

Dispensing with the specification of the enclosing set

One can dispense with the specification of the enclosing set E, retrieving it as E = \cup_{X \in \mathcal F} X. A filter is then a collection \mathcal F of sets such that:

  • \mathcal F is non-empty;
  • \emptyset \notin \mathcal F;
  • \forall A \in \mathcal F, \forall B \subseteq \cup_{X \in \mathcal F} X, (B \supseteq A \implies B \in \mathcal F);
  • \forall A, B \in \mathcal F, A \cap B \in \mathcal F.

Fineness of filters

Definition: If \mathcal F_1 and \mathcal F_2 are filters on a same set E, then \mathcal F_1 is finer than \mathcal F_2 iff \mathcal F_1 \supseteq \mathcal F_2.

Filter bases and filter prebases

Definition: A collection \mathcal B of sets is a filter base iff:

  • \mathcal B is non-empty;
  • \emptyset \notin \mathcal B;
  • \forall A, B \in \mathcal B, \exists C \in \mathcal B, A \cap B \supseteq C.

No enclosing set is specified.

It is trivial to check that a filter is always a filter base.

Filter generated by a filter base

If \mathcal B is a filter base and E a superset of all the elements of \mathcal B, let \mathcal F be the set of all subsets of E that are superset of some element of \mathcal B:

\mathcal F = \{ X \subseteq E\ |\ \exists A \in \mathcal B, A \subseteq X \}

It is trivial to check that \mathcal F is then a filter on E, and is a superset of \mathcal B.

By definition, \mathcal F is the filter generated on E by \mathcal B.

Fineness of filter bases

Definition: If \mathcal B_1 and \mathcal B_2 are any two filter bases, then \mathcal B_1 is finer than \mathcal B_2 iff every element of \mathcal B_2 is a superset of some element of \mathcal B_1.

Property: If \mathcal F_1 and \mathcal F_2 are filters on set E and \mathcal B_1 and \mathcal B_2 filter bases that generate respectively \mathcal F_1 and \mathcal F_2, then \mathcal F_1 is finer than \mathcal F_2 iff \mathcal B_1 is finer than \mathcal B_2.


  • Assume that \mathcal F_1 is finer than \mathcal F_2. Let X be an element of \mathcal B_2. It is then also an element of \mathcal F_2. Since \mathcal F_1 \supseteq \mathcal F_2, we have X \in \mathcal F_1, and hence X is a superset of some element of \mathcal B_1. This is true for all X \in \mathcal B_2, hence \mathcal B_1 is finer than \mathcal B_2.
  • Assume that \mathcal B_1 is finer than \mathcal B_2. Let X be an element of \mathcal F_2. Then X is superset of some element of \mathcal B_2 (since \mathcal B_2 generates \mathcal F_2), which itself (since \mathcal B_1 is finer than \mathcal B_2) is a superset of some element of \mathcal B_1, and thus is an element of \mathcal F_1. This is true for all X \in \mathcal F_2, hence \mathcal F_1 is finer than \mathcal F_2.

Equivalent filter bases

Definition: Two filter bases are equivalent if each is finer than the other.

Property: Two filter bases generate the same filter on a common enclosing set iff they are equivalent.

Proof: The generated filters are equal, that is, each finer than the other, iff their generating filter bases are each finer than the other, that is, equivalent.

Property: Equivalence is an equivalence relation among filter bases (trivial).

Filter prebases

A nonempty collection \mathcal B of sets is a filter prebase iff all finite intersections of elements of \mathcal B are nonempty: for any finite and nonempty \mathcal X \subseteq \mathcal B, we have \cap_{X \in \mathcal X} X \neq \emptyset.

If \mathcal B is a filter prebase, then together with all the finite intersections of its elements it forms a filter base.

The image of a filter

Let E and F be sets, \mathcal F a filter on E and f: E \to F.

Traditional definition: The filter on F image of \mathcal F by f is (f^{\rightarrow \rightarrow}(\mathcal F))^{\uparrow F}.

Alternative definition: The filter on F image of \mathcal F by f is \{\ B \subseteq F\ |\ f^\leftarrow(B) \in \mathcal F\ \}.

Again, the two definitions are equivalent.